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The Doctor is In!

by Scott Reslow » on May 06, 2011 0

Ladies and Gentlemen, the Doctor is in! I have all the answers to what ails you. Let’s talk turkey, here, and figure out what we can do to help you reach your desired goals! We can do this! Let’s get started, on the Dr. Reslow show!

[Editor’s Note:  I’m pretty sure Scott isn’t a real doctor… so this is all for comedic/educational value.  That’s the disclaimer.]

“Dr. Reslow, how can I lose more weight?  I have tried all of the diets and still cannot drop the pounds I am looking for.”  – Vague in Vegas

I hear you Vague!  Losing weight and getting trim is a desired goal that hundreds of thousands of people around the country have.  The weight loss business is a billion dollar phenomenon and still there are struggles.  With that in mind, here we go…

body typeFirst, is the body shape.  You can be only one of three body shapes.  There is the Ectomorph (skinny person), Endomorph (heavy person), and Mesomorph (muscular person).  These are the three you can be, and all three are healthy.  You really cannot break out of the body shape your genetics have presented to you, but you can work with what you have.  All three body types can be healthy, athletic, and in good shape.  It is, however, a reality everyone needs to face and accept.  So, Face it.  Face it.  Face it!  OK, good, let’s move on.

Secondly, diet programs that are marketed toward quick weight loss do not work, or at least they don’t work as well as they claim.  They are tough to follow, cost a lot of money, taste pretty rough, and there are hundreds of them out there.  Wouldn’t you think if one of them was the cure all, that there would be far fewer programs out there?  Come on, it’s a copy cat world.  When something works, we recreate it and market it better and better, usually while always experimenting for the next big thing.  You don’t see that here, though.  One sees hundreds of ridiculous diets that all claim victory.  Something is amiss.  Eat in moderation from all of the food groups, while treating yourself from time to time.  Save some money and avoid the fancy, crazy, weight loss diets.  Which leads too…

Activities!  It’s all about the activities!  Stationary lifestyles lead to weight gains.  More stationary, more weight.  Get out and move around.  It’s the trick, almost the only trick, in the weight loss magician’s hat.  You can do it!  It takes some discipline and thus a life change, but it so can be done and you will get that healthy lifestyle and weight loss you are looking for.

Verdict:  Take two CC’s of Five Fingers (Vibram) and start running…you’ll be amazed!!!

This is your prescription!

“Dr. Reslow, I am getting injured all the time.  It’s incredible!  I think I have a bone disorder or something, because my legs just can’t seem to handle the pounding of the pavement.  Running, basketball, volleyball, all kill me.  Help me out here, brotha!” – Scott from Saskatchewan

Sir, I feel your pain.  Actually, not any more I don’t.  However, I did used to be like you.  I used to struggle with all of those activities.  In fact, I feel like I know you already…hmm.  Ok, look there is a two part answer here.

First, and foremost, make sure that you have seen your real physician and rule out a bone disorder.

Secondly, I think that your problem lies in your strength in your lower body and core.  For an athlete to be successful at the sports you have listed, you will need some strong legs, feet and abdominal muscles.  The pain you are feeling is your muscles getting pulverized during these activities.  What’s worse, is that if you are running incorrectly, you are putting a hurting on your bones and that can lead to world of trouble, as well.

No more heel to toe running.  Heels help us stand up, that’s it.  Leave em alone!  Hey, some Five fingers will help cure that problem.

Line up training exercises that target your torso.  If you can get your core strength under control, your leg muscles will not have to overcompensate so much during these activities.  Also, try to chop up your day more with acts to get the muscles working.  Sitting at the office all day, then working out hard, especially with a limited warm up, is a problem just lurking in the weeds ready to strike.  Only you can change your life.  Go make it what you want it to be!

Verdict: Take two CC’s of Five Fingers, plus a healthy dose of gym time and discipline, and you’ll be coaching, er…um…playing the sports you like again in no time!

These are your prescription!


That is all the time we have for the Dr. Reslow segment of your programing – let us know what you thought in the comments below.  Please join us next time when Dr. Reslow will answer questions from a new studio crowd!  Next up, Fishing with Fernando, where Fernando will tell us about the time he caught the elusive Golden Dorado.  “There was something in the air that night, the stars were so bright…I thought to myself, Fernando, something special is going to happen…”


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